Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Business Process

I Have recently signed up for blogger to do my assignment in e-Commerce.I Followed few steps to sign up for it:

I set up a Google Gmail account - http://www.gmail.com by filling up an application online that includes questions like my first name,my last name,my location,my recovery email, desired log in name, password, security question, and an agreement of terms of service.

  1. I used http://www.blogger.com to create a personal blog by filling up an application also, that includes my blog title and blog address.

  2. After setting my blogger account I entered my account and clicked on new post at the top of my page and I started typing and then I clicked publish post and the post was published

  3. I uploaded photos too by clicking on "add image" in the same icon of new post and then browsing images from my desktop and adding them to my post.

Blogger uses many facilities because it offers:

  1. Easy steps for posting

  2. Easy steps for adding an image

  3. Easy steps for signing up for the website

  4. Easy steps for editing posts

  5. Easy steps for changing the font,font size,font colours.

  6. Easy steps for deleting posts as well

  7. Extra features that can be added to the blog to make the blog more interesting for example a search box,advertisements, and blogger logos

Blogger has some resources:

  1. People who sign up for blogger

  2. People who work for blogger and who runs the business

  3. People who advertise on blogger page

  4. Websites who advertise for blogger such as http://www.google.com

  5. Websites who help people search for blogger such as http://www.yahoo.com and http://www.google.com

Blogger offers information to customers on how to run a blog for example they state the steps one should follow :

  1. Create account

  2. Name blog

  3. Choose template

Moreover,it explains every step in creating a blog account , for example , when filling up the application for signing up each question has it's explanation in order for customers to understand what does each question requests them to do.

Sustainable and Disruptive Technologies

One of the disruptive and sustainable technologies at the same time is iTunes introduced by Apple.iTunes took over music CD's,and Music tapes.Many music companies closed because people stopped buying their Cd's and tapes because everyone switched to using iTunes.

However,iTunes is sustainable at the same time since it is so handy , anyone can open the website anywhere and at any time. iTunes offers free music trials, P2P file sharing tips, fun and free MP3 resources so no need to worry about wasting money buying Cd's and searching for stores who sell a music Cd someone needs.Moreover, iTunes is so easy to use and to search for Cd's; one can search for any song or Cd by the search box rather than wasting time searching for a Cd at a store where there is billions of Cd's.Briefly speaking iTunes has saved us time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My IS Day

My favorite information system I use everyday is Facebook. Facebook is created using a computer,and a software of Facebook ,also it uses a data of comments photos, messages, chatting,personal information, friends or contacts and information about them as well.
To explore Facebook, you must create a free account on the site. Facebook's terms of use state that members must be at least 13 years old, and any member between the ages of 13 and 18 must be enrolled in school. Facebook requires new members to provide a valid e-mail address before completing registration. Once you've created an account and answered a few questions about where you work, where you went to school and where you live, Facebook will generate a profile for you.
­­Facebook provides several ways to find friends:
You can browse and join networks, which are organized into four categories: regions (networks that are linked to specific cities or countries), colleges, workplaces and high schools. Once you join a network, you can browse through the list of members and search for people you know. You can sort people by age, sex, relationship status, political views and other criteria.
You can let Facebook pull contacts from a Web-based e-mail account. To do this, you have to give Facebook your e-mail address and password. Facebook uses a program that searches through your e-mail contacts and compares the list against its membership database. Whenever Facebook discovers a match, it gives you the option to add that person as a friend.
You can use Facebook's search engine to look for a specific person. Type the person's name into the search field, and Facebook will display any profiles that match the name.(I got this information from how stuff works website)(http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/social-networking/networks/facebook.htm)
Many people use this networking systems such as the people who work in building and maintaining the systems,the people who sign up for these social networks and the people who may be advertising on these social networks.

Another information system I use is slate for doing my assignments and studying online this system as well is run on a computer and it uses the assignments, lectures, courses' outline, class schedule, mail... as a data with a simple procedure of signing up to slate and it is done directly when someone applies to Sheridan,the college sends a user name and a password to be activated students open the website and activate the user name which contains information about the address, phone number, alternate email.After activating the user name everything is saved into the system and students might open the college's website and sign in with the user name and password, the system recognizes the user name and signs students in to the account by clicking on any title students want like lectures,assignments, courses.People who use slate are instructors,coordinators,and people who works to maintain the website.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Community Envolvement:

I volunteered at Mississauga Valley Community Center where i arranged games for children, welcomed guests, served food and toys to children.Moreover,I volunteered at an elementary school fun fair for the children, where I organized some games and handed out prizes to the kids. Also, I volunteered at a child care centre where I got to deal with children of many different age groups; I got to know the children by reading books to them, doing activities with them such as singing songs, playing games, etc. One of the important volunteer work I did was volunteering in a community for helping people who lost their houses during the war back home, I helped them find a safe place to stay in during the war, I distributed food,clothes,medicine,I also helped in providing their important needs and I spent time with the children trying to calm them down, and to lessen their tension by playing games and reading them stories.I also helped families to search for their children who were lost during escaping from the bombs.In brief, I have had a variety of volunteering experience , dealing with different kinds of people, and working in different situations.

Business Leaders I Admire:

The business leader that I admire is Steve Jobs who is the CEO of Apple Inc, which he co-founded in 1976. Apple is leading in the computer industry with its award winning Macintosh computers,OS X operating system, and consumer and professional applications software. Apple is also leading the digital music revolution, having sold almost 200 million iPods and over six billion songs from its iTunes online store. Apple has also entered the mobile phone market with its revolutionary iPhone. Steve also co-founded Pixar Animation Studios, which has created eight of the most successful and beloved animated films of all time: Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars and Ratatouille. Pixar has won 20 Academy Awards and its films have grossed more than $4 billion at the worldwide box office to date. Pixar merged with The Walt Disney Company in 2006 and Steve now serves on Disney's board of directors (Apple Inc.).

My Personal Goals

I would like to travel all over the world and learn about different cultures,countries, lifestyles ,languages and the conditions people live in compared to Canada. Also,Another goal I want to accomplish is to have a great happy family in the future.Moreover,I would like to travel on a cruise and have a chance to experience a cruise tour, enjoy the sea and explore the mysteries of it. Also, I would like to learn some languages other than the languages I know like french , and Spanish.

My Career Goals in Business:

I have many career goals one of them is to work in one of the biggest and most important companies in the world, to have a high and important position in this company and to be successful in it. Moreover, I would like to start running my own business company after being well prepared for running it, after getting a good career experience, after having an idea about everything I need to know about, and finally after knowing the risks I might face and how to face them. I would like my company to be from the most famous and important companies in the world as well. I am preparing for this career by learning business at Sheridan college and graduating with a diploma, studying very well, being determined, getting high grades and a high GPA. Moreover, the co-op program I am in will give me a good and an important experience and a chance to exercise what I have learned and apply it to real life. Also, I am planning to apply for a university when I graduate from Sheridan to get a degree in management.